Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Sandra Seifert: Simply Stunning

She looks every inch a beauty queen as she meets my staff and I at the lobby of the condominium where she lives for this interview and photo op. Strikingly stunning in very light make-up and dressed in a simple one-piece laced dress, Sandra Seifert is an epitome of what a beauty queen is. And indeed, she is! For she was Miss Philippines-Earth 2009 and Miss Earth Air 2009 (first runner-up). Her warm embrace immediately puts us at ease.
Born Sandra Inez Seifert, this half-German, half Filipino from Bacolod City is an Angelina Jolie lookalike. “My stronger features I owe to my dad Harald, who is German; my substance and style to my Ilongga mom, Zenaida,” she explains. Sandra can speak five languages fluently— English, German, French, Tagalog, Ilonggo—and studied Italian and Spanish in college.
Health & Home sat down with Sandra for an interview.
Health & Home: What values did your parents instill in you that you want to pass on to your future family?
Sandra Seifert: Mom taught me the importance of family worship, eating healthy, and completing my education. Dad taught me the importance of nurturing relationships with people over time, to always give 110% to anything I commit to, and read the news!
H&H: How does God fit into your hectic life?
Sandra Seifert: My life is pretty hectic, so I make a conscious effort and build a habit to fit God in it! My day starts and ends with prayer and a devotional (Reflecting Christ and at the moment I am reading Messages to Young People by Ellen G. White each night).
My week is not complete without a Bible study session, observing the Sabbath (from sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday). On Sundays I sometimes do medical missionary work or health outreach. When I
am invited to speak at different churches, I do a lot more reading and research for my preparation, which also enables me to reflect on Christ during the week.
H&H: What answered prayers really thrilled you lately?
Sandra Seifert: Believe it or not, since I am half German, I prayed for Germany to win the recent 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil! I prayed for that from Day 1 of the matches. I recently also prayed that my ministry would take me to my province—Bacolod—that prayer was answered the same week!
God has answered me in so many ways, and ultimately, I have overcome things through His grace that I never thought I could. God is so good!
H&H: Do you still have unanswered prayers?
Sandra Seifert: Of course. We will always need new answers as life goes on, which is why we will always need God.
H&H: How important is your role as Miss Earth?
Sandra Seifert: Very important! Dignitaries have certain expectations of public figures while the youth looks up to beauty queens. Therefore, it is key to be a good role-model as a woman and an advocate for the environment. I represented the Miss Earth Foundation and my own country each time I conducted speeches locally and internationally, led public and private school tours with my court, and carried conversations with prominent people in politics and the environment.
H&H: As a role model, how would you like to influence the young people?
Sandra Seifert: They used to call me Angelina Jolie, today they call me the modern Ellen G. White! What a compliment… and responsibility! I would like to inspire the youth in every possible way: give them hope (Matthew 18:11), practice healthful living + diet (1 Corinthians 6:19, 20), observe modesty in dress (1 Timothy 2:9, 10), choosing the right partner (love, courtship, marriage). I want to encourage them to use their talents for God’s work; since they don’t have families yet, they can still dedicate their time and energy for the Lord.

Happy Viewing!

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